life madeira monkseal - Proyecto Life Madeira Foca Monje

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On August 28, the Regional Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources visited the Nature Reserve of the Desertas Islands, one of the main venues for the LIFE project. The objective was the dissemination of the conservation work of the monk seal in Madeira, which has reached its 30th anniversary this month, as well as the …

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On October 8th, the LIFE Madeira Monk Seal project was presented at the framework meeting of the conservation held by IFCN in Madeira, addressed to the Cape Verde attendees, who are visiting Madeira in the framework of the project “Sustainable management of Santa Luzia Marine Protected Area “. A presentation that sought to convey the …

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The number of monk seals in the Natural Reserve of the Desertas, in the archipelago of Madeira, has increased since the 90s. The number of animals has risen from 6 to 30.

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